
Released Data / TEDS2017_PA09

*Project Title: Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II):

                         Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty-First Wave (TEDS2017_PA09)

*Principal Investigator of Telephone Interview:

Prof. Chi Huang


*Co-principal  Investigator: 

Prof. Cheng-shan Liu                           Asso. Research Fellow Ta-Chien Chan

Research Fellow Chia-hung Tsai         Asso. Prof. Chih-cheng Meng

Prof. Chung-li Wu                                Prof. Da-chi Liao   

Assist. Prof. Hsin-ta Huang                 Prof. Huo-yan Shyu                              

Asso. Prof. Kuang-hui Chen                Prof. Lu-huei Chen                               

Prof. Shiow-duan Huang                      Prof. Shing-yuan Sheng                         

Prof. Wen-jong Juang                          Assist. Prof. Tsung-han Tsai                  

Asso. Reserch Fellow Su-hao Tu         Assist. Prof. Ying-Lung Chou

*Executive Institution:

Election Study CenterNational Chengchi University

*Numbers of Samples and Interviewed Period:

                Telephone Interview: 914; Interviewed between 9/21-26, 2017
Mobile Phone Interview: 317, Interviewed between 9/21-26, 2017



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