- TEDS2001
- TEDS2002
- TEDS2003
- TEDS2004P
- TEDS2004L
- TEDS2005NA
- TEDS2005M
- TEDS2006C
- TEDS2008L
- TEDS2008L-T
- TEDS2008P
- TEDS2009L_BE-T
- TEDS2009M
- TEDS 2009L_BE&M-T
- TEDS2010C
- TEDS2012-T
- TEDS2012
- TEDS2012_PA09
- TEDS2012_PA12
- TEDS2013_PA03
- TEDS2013_PA06
- TEDS2013
- TEDS2013_PA09
- TEDS2013_PA12
- TEDS2014_PA03
- TEDS2014_PA06
- TEDS2014_PA09
- TEDS2014_PA12
- TEDS2014-T
- TEDS2015_PA03
- TEDS2014
- TEDS2015_PA06
- TEDS2015_PA09
- TEDS2015_PA12
- TEDS2016-T
- TEDS2016_PA03
- TEDS2016
- TEDS2016_PA06
- TEDS2016_PA09
- TEDS2016_PA12
- TEDS2017_PA03
- TEDS2017_SE03
- TEDS2017_SE05
- TEDS2017_PA06
- TEDS2017_PA09
- TEDS2017_PA12
- TEDS2017
- TEDS2018_SE01
- TEDS2018_PA03
- TEDS2018_PA06
- TEDS2018_PA09
- TEDS2018_SE05
- TEDS2018_PA12
- TEDS2019_PA03
- TEDS2019_PA06
- TEDS2018
- TEDS2019_PA09
- TEDS2019_SE05
- TEDS2019_PA12
- TEDS2020-T
- TEDS2020_PA03
- TEDS2020_PA06
- TEDS2020
- TEDS2020_PA09
- TEDS2020M_BE-T
- TEDS2020_PA12
- TEDS2021_PA03
- TEDS2021
- *TEDS2021_SE07
- TEDS2021_PA09
- TEDS2021_PA12
- TEDS2021_SE12
- TEDS2022_PA03
- TEDS2022_PA06
- TEDS2022_PA09
- TEDS2022_PA12
- TEDS2022_SE12
- TEDS2022-T
- TEDS2022_SE12M
- TEDS2023_PA03
- TEDS2023_PA06
- TEDS2023_PA09
- TEDS2023_SE06
- TEDS2023_PA12
- TEDS2023_SE12
- TEDS2024-T
- TEDS2024_PA03
- TEDS2024
- TEDS2024_PA06
- TEDS2024_PA09
Released Data
Table of TEDS Project lists
List |
Project Title |
Project Code of |
Principal Investigator |
TEDS2001 |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2001 (TEDS2001) |
NSC 90-2420-H-194-001 |
Prof. Chi Huang |
TEDS2002 |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2002 (TEDS2002): the Survey of Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities Mayoral Elections |
NSC 91-2420-H-194-001-SSS |
Prof. Chi Huang |
TEDS2003 |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2003 (TEDS2003) |
NSC 92-2420-H-001-004 |
Prof. Yun-han Chu |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2002-2004 (III): The Presidential Election, 2004 (TEDS2004P) |
NSC 92-2420-H-031-004 |
Prof. Shiow-duan Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2002-2004 (IV): The Legislative Election, 2004 (TEDS2004L) |
NSC 93-2420-H-004-005-SSS |
Prof. I-chou Liu |
TEDS2005NA |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005: The National Assembly Election (TEDS2005NA) | NSC 92-2419-H-001-001-B9403 | Prof. Chi Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008 (I): the Survey of County Magistrate/City Mayoral Elections, 2005 (TEDS2005M) | NSC 94-2420-H004-008-SSS | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008 (II): the Survey of Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities Mayoral Elections, 2006 (TEDS2006C) | NSC 95-2420-H-031-011 |
Prof. Shiow-duan Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008 (III): The Legislative Election, 2008 (TEDS2008L) | NSC 96-2420-H-002-025 | Prof. Yun-han Chu | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008 (III): Telephone Interview of the Legislative Election, 2008 (TEDS2008L-T) | NSC 96-2420-H-002-025 | Prof. Yun-han Chu | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2005-2008 (IV): The Presidential Election, 2008 (TEDS2008P) | NSC 96-2420-H-004-017 |
Prof. Ching-hsin Yu |
TEDS2009L_BE-T |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009: Legislative By-Elections: Telephone Interview (TEDS2009L_BE-T) | NSC 97-2420-H-001-003-MY3-B9803 |
Prof. Chi Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009-2012 (I): Magistrate Elections of Taoyuan County and Yunlin County, 2009 (TEDS2009M) | NSC 98-2420-H-004-011 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009-2012 (II): Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung Cities Mayoral Elections, 2010 (TEDS2010C) | NSC 99-2420-H-031-002 |
Prof. Shiow-duan Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009-2012 (III): Telephone Interview of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2012 (TEDS2012-T) | NSC 100-2420-H-002-030 |
Prof. Chi Huang |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2009-2012 (III): the Survey of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2012 (TEDS2012) |
NSC 100-2420-H-002-030 |
Prof. Yun-han Chu |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (I): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The First Wave (TEDS2012_PA09) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (I): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Second Wave (TEDS2012_PA12) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (I): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Third Wave (TEDS2013_PA03) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (I): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Fourth Wave (TEDS2013_PA06) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (I): Benchmark Survey, 2013 (TEDS2013) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (II): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Fifth Wave (TEDS2013_PA09) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (II): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Sixth Wave (TEDS2013_PA12) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (II): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Seventh Wave (TEDS2014_PA03) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (II): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Eighth Wave (TEDS2014_PA06) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Ninth Wave (TEDS2014_PA09) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Tenth Wave (TEDS2014_PA12) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): Telephone Interviews of the pre-Nine-in-One Local Elections, 2014 (TEDS2014-T) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Eleventh Wave (TEDS2015_PA03) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): the Survey of the Nine-in-One Local Elections, 2014 (TEDS2014) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (III): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twelfth Wave (TEDS2015_PA06) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirteenth Wave (TEDS2015_PA09) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Fourteenth Wave (TEDS2015_PA12) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): Telephone Interview of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2016 (TEDS2016-T) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Fifteenth Wave (TEDS2016_PA03) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): the Survey of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2016 (TEDS2016) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2012-2016 (IV): Telephone Interview and Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Sixteenth Wave (TEDS2016_PA06) | MOST 101-2420-H004-034-MY4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Seventeenth Wave (TEDS2016_PA09) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Eighteenth Wave (TEDS2016_PA12) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The First Wave (TEDS2017_SE03) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Nineteenth Wave (TEDS2017_PA03) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Second Wave (TEDS2017_SE05) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twentieth Wave (TEDS2017_PA06) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- First Wave (TEDS2017_PA09) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Second Wave (TEDS2017_PA12) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (I): TEDS2017: A Quasi-Experiment on Two Sampling Frames for Face-to-Face Survey (TEDS2017) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Experimental Internet Surveyn on Political Family (TEDS2018_SE01) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Third Wave (TEDS2018_PA03) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Fourth Wave (TEDS2018_PA06) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Fifth Wave (TEDS2018_PA09) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (II): Experimental Internet Survey on Item-Count Technique (TEDS2018_SE05) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Sixth Wave (TEDS2018_PA12) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Seventh Wave (TEDS2019_PA03) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Eighth Wave (TEDS2019_PA06) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): the Survey of the Nine-in-One Local Elections, 2018 (TEDS2018) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Twenty- Ninth Wave (TEDS2019_PA09) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (III): Experimental Internet Survey on Government Performance Information(TEDS2019_SE05) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirtieth Wave (TEDS2019_PA12) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020(IV): Telephone Interview of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2020 (TEDS2020-T) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-First Wave (TEDS2020_PA03) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Second Wave (TEDS2020_PA06) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV): the Survey of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2020 (TEDS2020) | MOST 105-2420-H-004-015-SS4 | Prof. Chi Huang | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): Kaohsiung City Mayor By-Elections: Telephone Interview (TEDS2020M_BE-T) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Third Wave (TEDS2020_PA09) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Fourth Wave (TEDS2020_PA12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Fifth Wave (TEDS2021_PA03) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): TEDS Benchmark Survey, 2021 (TEDS2021) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): 2021 Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction (TEDS2021_SE07) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Sixth Wave (TEDS2021_PA09) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Seventh Wave (TEDS2021_PA12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (II): 2021 Referendum Internet Survey (TEDS2021_SE12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Eighth Wave (TEDS2022_PA03) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (II): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Thirty-Ninth Wave (TEDS2022_PA06) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Fortieth Wave (TEDS2022_PA09) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
TEDS2022_PA12 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-First Wave (TEDS2022_PA12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): 2022 Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction (TEDS2022_SE12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone Interviews of the pre-Nine-in-One Local Elections, 2022 (TEDS2022-T) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Internet Survey of the Nine-in-One Local Elections, 2022 (TEDS2022_SE12M) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
TEDS2023_PA03 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Second Wave (TEDS2023_PA03) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
TEDS2023_PA06 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Third Wave (TEDS2023_PA06) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
TEDS2023_PA9 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Fourth Wave (TEDS2023_PA09) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
TEDS2023_SE06 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (III): A Conjoint Experiment on Taiwan's First Constitutional Amendment Referendum (TEDS2023_SE06) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
TEDS2023_PA12 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Fifth Wave (TEDS2023_PA12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): 2023 Internet Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction (TEDS2023_SE12) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): Telephone Interview of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2024 (TEDS2024-T) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
TEDS2024_PA03 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Sixth Wave (TEDS2024_PA03) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): the Survey of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2024 (TEDS2024) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen | |
TEDS2024_PA06 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2020-2024 (IV): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Seventh Wave (TEDS2024_PA06) | MOST 109-2740-H-004 -004 -SS4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |
TEDS2024_PA09 | Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2024-2028 (I): Telephone and Mobile Phone Interview Survey of the Presidential Satisfaction--The Forty-Eighth Wave (TEDS2024_PA09) | NSTC 113-2740-H-004 -003 -MY4 | Research Fellow Lu-huei Chen |