TEDS Coordinator, Planning Committee, and the Working Group
First term(October 2000 ~ September 2004)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yun-han Chu |
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yu-shan Wu |
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
Professor |
Committee |
Fu Hu |
Academia Sinica、Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
Professor |
Committee |
Huo-yan Shyu |
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Wen-chun Chen |
Institute of Political Science,National Sun Yat-sen University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yih-yan Chen |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Shiow-duan Hawang |
Department of Political Science,Soochow University |
Professor |
Committee |
I-Chou Liu |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Second term (October 2004 ~ September 2008)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yun-han Chu |
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chung-li Wu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Fu Hu |
Academia Sinica |
Academician |
Committee |
Huo-yan Shyu |
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shing-yuan Sheng |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Ching-hsin Yu |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shiow-duan Hawang |
Department of Political Science,Soochow University |
Professor |
Committee |
I-Chou Liu |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Third term (October 2009 ~ July 2017)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yun-han Chu |
Department of Political Science, National Taiwani University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chung-li Wu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Fu Hu |
Academia Sinica |
Academician |
Committee |
Huo-yan Shyu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shing-yuan Sheng |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Lu-huei Chen |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Hung-der Fu |
Department of Political Science,Tunghai University |
Professor |
Committee |
Ching-hsin Yu |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shiow-duan Hawang |
Department of Political Science,Soochow University |
Professor |
Committee |
I-Chou Liu |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Fourth term (August 2012 ~ July 2016)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Yun-han Chu |
Academia Sinica, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University |
Academician, Professor |
Committee |
Chung-li Wu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Huo-yan Shyu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shing-yuan Sheng |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Lu-huei Chen |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Hung-der Fu |
Department of Political Science,Tunghai University |
Professor |
Committee |
Shiow-duan Hawang |
Department of Political Science,Soochow University |
Professor |
Committee |
Da-chi Liao |
Institute of Political Science,National Sun Yat-sen University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chia-hung Tsai |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Fifth term (August 2016 ~ July 2020)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chung-li Wu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Su-hao Tu |
Research Center for Humanities and sciences, Academia Sinica |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Huo-yan Shyu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Shing-yuan Sheng |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Lu-huei Chen |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Hung-der Fu |
Department of Political Science,Tunghai University |
Professor |
Committee |
Shiow-duan Hawang |
Department of Political Science,Soochow University |
Professor |
Committee |
Ta-Chien Chan |
Research Center for Humanities and sciences, Academia Sinica |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Da-chi Liao |
Institute of Political Science,National Sun Yat-sen University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chia-hung Tsai |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Sixth term (August 2020 ~ July 2024)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Lu-huei Chen |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Chung-li Wu |
Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Eric Chen-hua Yu |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Wen-jong Juang |
Department of Policy and Management, Shih Hsin University |
Professor |
Committee |
Kuang-hui Chen |
Department of Political Science, National Chung-ChengUniversity |
Professor |
Committee |
Chi Huang |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Professor |
Committee |
Ta-Chien Chan |
Research Center for Humanities and sciences, Academia Sinica |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Cheng-shan (Frank) Liu |
Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chia-hung Tsai |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Tsung-han Tsai |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Associate Professor |
Seventh term (August 2024 ~ July 2028)
Name |
Service unit |
Job title |
Committee and convener |
Lu-huei Chen |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Eric Chen-hua Yu |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Associate Research Fellow |
Committee |
Kuang-hui Chen |
Department of Political Science, National Chung-ChengUniversity |
Professor |
Committee |
Chih-Cheng Meng |
Department of Political Science, National Cheng-Kung University | Associate Professor |
Committee |
Ta-Chien Chan |
Research Center for Humanities and sciences, Academia Sinica |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Cheng-shan (Frank) Liu |
Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University |
Professor |
Committee |
Chia-hung Tsai |
Election Study Center, National Taiwan University |
Research Fellow |
Committee |
Tsung-han Tsai |
Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University |
Associate Research Fellow |