


共同筆記 / 109


Cheng, Su-feng, Ching-hsin Yu, and Jia-wei Liu. 2008. "North verse South? Taiwans Changing Party System." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2008 American Political Science Association, American Political Science Association, 28-31 August, Boston.

Hu, Lung-Teng, and Wen-jong, Juang. 2008. Who Governs? A Comparative Analysis of Citizen and Bureaucratic Perspectives on Taiwan Municipal Governance. A Paper presented at the 69th National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration(ASPA), 7-11 March, Dallas.

Huang, Chi, Alex Tan, Chia-hung Tsai, and Chin-hsin Yu, 2008 "Issues and Voting Choices in Taiwans Local Elections: A Case Study of the Taipei Citys Mayoral Elections 1994-2006," Paper presented at the Joint International Conference on Overseas Voting and Electoral System: Focusing on Korea, Taiwan and Japan, November 14-15, Seoul.

Huang, Chi, Lu-huei Chen and Ying-Lung Chou. 2008. Taiwans New Mixed Electoral System and Its Effects on 2008 Legislative Election. Paper presented at 2008年度選挙学会 分科会E アヅア‧比较部会 「东アヅアの选举」, May 17-18, Tokyo.

Tsai, Chia-hung, Shin-yuan Sheng, and Ching-hsin Yu. 2008. "Party Alignment and Citizen Competence in a New Election System: A Case Study of the 2008 Taiwan’s Legislative Election." Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, 18-20 April 2008, Prague.

Yu, Eric Chen-Hua. 2008. “Dynamic of Partisanship, National Identity, and Issue Cleavages in the DPP Era” Paper prepared for the Conference on Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan, May 30-31, 2008, Stanford University, Stanford.

Zhang, Ning and Kuang-hui Chen. 2008. "The Influence of Confucianism on the Development of Multiple-Party System in Taiwans Democratization."  Presented in the 104th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. 28-31 August, Boston.

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