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Announcement: TEDS 2014 conference

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Poster:陳惠鈴Post date:2014-03-10

2014 International Conference on Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study
Perspectives on Citizen Participation

I. Conference purpose      

      Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) is a continual large-scale survey research project supported and funded by the Department of Humanities and Social Science of the National Science Council, Executive Yuan (DHSS). Its chief purpose is to integrate election-oriented face-to-face surveys in Taiwan in order to utilize scarce resources more efficiently and to further elevate the level of survey research.

       Its 2013 sub-project, TEDS2013, explored the various dimensions of Taiwan's citizen participation. TEDS2013 face-to-face survey interview consists of 2,292 valid cases island wide. Furthermore, five waves of quarterly telephone interviews and Internet surveys were also conducted during the period between September, 2012 and September, 2013.For survey questionnaires, please visit the TEDS official website: http://www.tedsnet.org/.

       All the aforementioned data were released by the end of November, 2013. If you are also interested in previous TEDS projects, you are welcome to visit the TEDS website to download data and related documents. We very much hope that you can utilize the data and join us in gaining a better understanding of Taiwan's democratization and electoral dynamics.

      On behalf of the Taiwan Election and Democratization Study (TEDS), Election Study Center at National Chengchi University, National Chengchi University's TOP University Project "Elections and Citizen Participation (ECP), it is our pleasure to hold the "2014 International Conference on Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study: Perspectives on Citizen Participation" in Taipei, Taiwan, 22th-23th of March, 2014.       

II. Host

      Taiwan Election and Democratization Study (TEDS)
      Election Study Center at National Chengchi University
      National Chengchi University's TOP University Project "Elections and Citizen Participation (ECP)

II. Date and Venue

1. Date: March 22th-23th, 2014     
       2. Venue: 5F General Building, International Conference Hall, NCCU
                       (No.64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Taipei City 116, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
IV. Agenda anRegistration 

  Online Registration
V. Contact

         1. Contact: Ms. Hui-ling Chen
            2. Tel: 886-2-29385130; Fax: 886-2-29384094; E-Mail: yartostella@gmial.com
            3. Address: 
Election Study Center, National Chengchi University
No.64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Taipei City 116, Taiwan, R.O.C. 
Last modification time:2019-09-02 AM 11:06

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