TEDS研討會 / TEDS2012研討會
The Maturing of Taiwan Democracy: Findings and Insights from the 2012 TEDS Survey
Saturday, November 3 |
08:30~09:00 |
Registration |
09:00~09:10 |
Opening Remarks
Yu-shan Wu, Director, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica.
Norman Yu-jen Teng, Director General, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NSC.
Chi Huang, University Chair Professor, Department of Political Science, NCCU and Coordinator of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study Committee.
09:10~09:30 |
Welcoming Remarks
Jin-pyng Wang, Speaker of the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China.
09:30~10:30 |
International Conference Hall (1F) |
Keynote Address: Ian McAllister, Professor, School of Politics & International Relations, Australian National University, Australia.
Title: Taiwan’s Maturing Democracy in Global Perspective.
Moderator: Yun-han Chu, Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU and Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica.
10:30~10:50 |
Coffee Break |
10:50~12:30 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | |
Title: Taiwan’s Maturing Democracy in Global Perspective.
Moderator: Chi Huang, University Chair Professor, Department of Political Science, NCCU and Coordinator of the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study Committee.
Larry Diamond, Director, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University, USA.
Andre Blais, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Montreal, Canada.
Yun-han Chu, Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU and Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica.
12:30~13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30~15:10 | nternational Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 1-1: Performance and Issue Voting
Moderator:Yeh-lih Wang, Chair and Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU.
Presenters: 1. Information and Heterogeneity in Issue Voting: Evidence from the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan.
Emerson Niou, Professor, Department of Political Science, Duke University, USA.
2. Valence Issues and Performance Politics: What
matters most to Taiwanese voters? Harold D. Clarke, Ashbel Smith Professor, School
of Economic, Political & Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, USA. Karl Ho, Senior Lecturer, School of Economic,
Political & Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, USA. Tim Chen, Associate Professor, Soochow
University. Dennis L.C. Weng, Ph.D. Candidate, School of
Economic, Political & Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, USA. 3. Party Identification and the Perception of
Candidates’ Issue Positions. Tse-min Lin, Associate Professor, Department of
Government, University of Texas at Austin, USA. Tzu-Hsin Lin, Center for Teaching and Learning
Development, NTU. Discussants:
Tse-min Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Nathan F. Batto, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica.
Session 1-2:「92共識」與2012年總統大選
主持人:盛杏湲教授,政治大學政治學系 發表人:
1. 2012年總統選舉與民進黨「92共識」立場的變遷:否決者理論的運用
2. 「92共識」贏了?2012總統大選中的兩岸因素:一項「反事實」的分析
3. 「中國因素」真的左右了台灣的總統大選嗎?台灣2012年總統選舉的實證分析
15:10~15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30~17:10 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 2-1:Polarization and Political Participation Moderator: Jih-wen Lin, Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica. 1.Whom to Blame for Polarization in Taiwan? Discussants: Jih-wen Lin, Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica. |
Session 2-2:政治知識與投票行為
1. 政治知識的測量 2. 兩級傳播對2010五都選舉影響效果之研究:以新北市為例 評論人: 游清鑫研究員,政治大學選舉研究中心
Sunday, November 4 |
08:30~09:00 |
Registration | |
09:00~10:40 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 3-1:性別、階級與分配正義 主持人:黃長玲副教授,臺灣大學政治學系 發表人: 1. 她們是否還是投給馬英九? 2. 是族群還是階級:2012年總統選舉選民投票行為研究 3. 兩岸經貿往來下民眾於2012年總統選舉中所得重分配議題的初探 評論人: 黃長玲副教授,臺灣大學政治學系
Session 3-2:經濟投票 主持人:吳重禮研究員,中央研究院政治學研究所 發表人: 1. 2012年台灣選民經濟態度與投票行為之觀察 2. 總統(中央政府)施政表現與各級選舉中的投票行為 3. Do political campaign activities foster political knowledge? A panel data analysis in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections 評論人: 吳重禮研究員,中央研究院政治學研究所 |
10:40~11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00~12:40 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 4-1:Partisan Identification, Social Capital and Justice Moderator:Shiow-duan Hawang, Chair and Professor, Department of Political Science, Soochow University. Presenters 1.Identity is Dead, Long Live Identity: The Relative Influences of Ethnicity, Future Status, and Partisan Identification on Voting in Presidential Elections on Taiwan 2004 - 2012. 2.A Structural Analysis of Social Network and Political Capital in Democratic Taiwan. 3.Globalization, Social Justice Issues, Political and Economic Nationalism in Taiwan: An Explanation of the DPP’s Limited Revival during 2008-2012. Discussants: Shiow-duan Hawang, Chair and Professor, Department of Political Science, Soochow University. |
Session 4-2:國家認同研究 主持人:陳陸輝研究員,政治大學選舉研究中心 發表人: 1. TEDS資料的空間化與空間推論:以2012年台灣總統選舉為例 2. Language Stereotypes in Contemporary 3. 台灣世代交替下之中國人認同變遷─從1992年至2012年之實證分析 評論人: 陳陸輝研究員,政治大學選舉研究中心
12:40~13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30~15:10 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 5-1:問卷設計與概念分析 主持人:廖達琪教授,中山大學政治學研究所 發表人: 1. 政治信任的問卷設計與測量 2. 台灣政治極化之初探:測量與分析 3. 財富分配議題的問卷設計與測量 4. 政黨認同與投票穩定:2000年至2012年總統選舉的實證分析 5. 國族認同的問卷設計與測量:TEDS與TSCS之比較 6. 臺灣民眾統獨立場的問卷設計與測量:以TEDS為例 評論人: 廖達琪教授,中山大學政治學研究所 |
Session 5-2:總統形象與滿意度 主持人:傅恆德教授,東海大學政治學系 發表人: 1. 台灣情緒選民的初探:分析政治情緒對選民投票抉擇的作用 2. 總統滿意度與選民投票抉擇 3. 2012年總統選舉選民投票抉擇:性別、候選人因素與政黨偏好的觀點 評論人: 傅恆德教授,東海大學政治學系
15:10~15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30~17:10 |
International Conference Hall (1F) | Multimedia Room (3F) |
Session 6-1:模型與資料分析 主持人:劉義周教授,政治大學政治學系 發表人: 1. 項目無反應資料的多重插補分析 2. 調查無反應的多層次分析:以2001至2012年TEDS調查資料為例 3. 選民在藍綠認同、統獨議題與族群認同上的立場與變遷:擬似定群資料的建構與應用 4. 教育程度與政治知識之關聯的再檢視 評論人: 劉義周教授,政治大學政治學系 |
Session 6-2:選舉層次與兩岸議題 主持人:蔡瑋副執行長,臺灣民主基金會 發表人: 1. 台灣階級投票的浮現與起因 2. 臺灣民眾“民主價值”與“統獨選擇”的變遷與聯繫 3. 台灣總統大選中的兩岸因素:二次政黨輪替前後的分析 評論人: 陳澤鑫助理教授,臺北大學公共行政暨
17:10~17:20 |
Conference Concludes: 黃紀講座教授,政治大學政治學系、臺灣選舉與民主化調查召集人 |