


共同筆記 / 108


Ho, Karl, Lu-Huei Chen, and Jerry Ruey-Jay Fong. 2007. “Social Network, Trust and Political Capital formation in Taiwan.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. 30 August – 2 September, in Chicago, Illinois. 

Lin, Pei-ting, and Szu-yin Ho. 2007. “Whither the Median Voter in Taiwan.” Presented at the 49th Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies, October 5-7 2007, at University of Richmond, VA.

Liu, Nien-Hsia. 2007. “Party identification, candidate evaluations, and voting in Taiwan Presidential Elections, 1996-2004.” Presented at the 4th Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies. 20-22 April 2007, in University of Stockholm, Sweden.

Liu, Nien-Hsia. 2007. “How Taiwanese electorates choose their Presidents? Candidate-driven or partisan-driven?” Presented at the 13th Annual Conference of North American Taiwan Studies. 8-10 June 2007, in University of Wisconsin at Madison, WI, USA.

Hu, Lung-Teng, and Wen-jong Juang. 2007. “Linking Government Performance, Citizen Satisfactions and Public Trust: An Exploratory Study on Taiwan’s Local Governments.” Presented at the 68th National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration(ASPA). 26 March 2007, in Washington, DC.

Sheng, Shing-Yuan. 2007. “Issues, Political Cleavage and Party Competition in Taiwan: From the Angles of the Elites and the Public.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. 30 August – 2 September, in Chicago, Illinois.

Wang, T. Y. 2007. “Extremism and Political Tolerance in Taiwan.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. 30 August – 2 September, in Chicago, Illinois.

Wang, T. Y. 2007. The China Factor, US Security Commitment and Voting Behavior in Taiwan.Paper Delivered at Taiwan, China and Democratization in East Asia: An International Symposium, September 28-30 2007, at Missouri State University.


Batto, Nathan F. 2007. “Are Geographical Bailiwicks Evidence of a Personal Vote?” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Ho, Karl and Harold D. Clarke. 2007. “Issues, Identity and Information: A New Model of Party Support in Taiwan Elections.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Hsieh, John. 2007. “Confucian Legacy and Democratization in Taiwan.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Lin, Chiung-chu. 2007. “Issues, candidate evaluations and partisanship: competing characterizations of the 2006 Taipei Mayoral Election.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Lin, Tse-min, Feng-yu Lee, and Chin-En Wu. 2007. “Comparative Risk Attitudes in the Taiwanese Electorate: The 2004 Election.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Tan, Alexander C. 2007. “Political Participation and Young Voters: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and New Zealand.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Wang, T. Y., Su-feng Cheng, and Lu-huei Chen. 2007. “Deep Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy’s Hypothesis in a Democracy under Stress.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.

Wong, Kevin, Tze-wai. 2007. “Voting Change in Taiwan: Case Study on 2006 City Mayoral Election.” Presented at the International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study 2007, 20-21 October, at Soochow University, Taipei.








劉正山,2007,〈社群異質性對投票偏好轉變與投票意願的影響:北高兩市選民的bl 較〉,台灣選舉與民主化調查2007年國際學術研討會,1020-21日,台北:東吳大學。

蔡佳泓、陳陸輝、鄭夙芬、劉嘉薇,2007,〈Comparing Candidate Voting in 1996, 2000, and 2004 Presidential Election〉,台灣選舉與民主化調查2007年國際學術研討會,1020-21日,台北:東吳大學。


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