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Congratulation! The TEDS was chosen as one of the best 50 projects for the past 50 years in 2008

Poster:陳惠鈴Post date:2008-12-25
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The goal of the rules of the TEDS Planning and Advancement Committee is to facilitate the integration of several election- and democratization-related large-scale survey projects so as to “open the participation channels to the academic community and share the collected data sets with the public.” After data cleanup, the TEDS released its dataset and codebook to the public. And it has also provided survey data for on-line questionnaire inquiry and data download. The TEDS website has utilized the Nesstar software system that helps users can analyze variables in the datasets on-line. It is also linked to the webpage of the DHSS for more convenient browsing.

Because the TEDS data have been widely acknowledged and cited by the research community, the TEDS was chosen as one of the best 50 projects for the past 50 years in 2008. 

Last modification time:2022-06-13 PM 4:12

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