Operating Instructions
1. General browsers are entitled to access frequency and percentage distributions in the Descriptive Statistics of Variables.
2. For further use of Nesstar Online Analysis, you need to register as a TEDS member and then fill-in an Online Analysis Application Form.
3. TEDS members are entitled to use all the released TEDS datasets.
4. On reception of an On-line Analysis Application, the data manager will reply within 3 working days and release the access right to the applicant for accessing on-line analysis function.
5. In case any member violates the rules of “Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study data release regulations”, the database will suspend or terminate the user’s membership rights and inform the user of the cause.
6. For any questions regarding the data, the applicant shall contact Election Study Center of National Chengchi University for consultation.
7. For any unattended matter please refer to “Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study data release regulations.”
II. Nesstar On-line Analysis
Nesstar On-line Analysis User’s Manual (please access with PDF Reader Software (Acrobat Reader)).