Inquiry :  
1. Will you support or oppose to build the fourth nuclear power plant?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Strongly support 82 7.4%
2 Support 114 10.3%
3 Oppose 194 17.6%
4 Strongly oppose 554 50.3%
95 Refuse to answer 5 0.4%
96 It's hard to say 38 3.5%
97 No opinion 66 6.0%
98 Don't know 48 4.4%
Frequency : 1101 100%
2. If there will be a referendum about the fourth nuclear power plant to build or not, will you attend to vote?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Yes 737 66.9%
2 No 280 25.4%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It's hard to say 62 5.6%
97 No opinion 4 0.4%
98 Don't know 17 1.5%
Frequency : 1101 100%
3. Someone said: 'In our society, wealthy people become wealthier, and poor people become poorer.' Do you agree the statement?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Do not strongly approve 37 3.4%
2 Do not approve at all 68 6.2%
3 Approve 185 16.8%
4 Strongly approve 790 71.8%
95 Refuse to answer 3 0.3%
96 It's hard to say 3 0.3%
97 No opinion 6 0.5%
98 Don't know 9 0.8%
Frequency : 1101 100%
4. Someone said: 'To reduce inequality is the responsibility of government.' Another said: 'Wealth is a result of hard-working.' Which statements you agree?
Values Categories n percentage
1 The responsibility of government 490 44.5%
2 hard-working by themselves 463 42.0%
3 Both 132 12.0%
95 Refuse to answer 4 0.4%
97 No opinion 7 0.6%
98 Don't know 5 0.4%
Frequency : 1101 100%
5. Which party can reduce inequality?
Values Categories n percentage
1 KMT 185 16.8%
2 DPP 222 20.2%
3 NP 0 0%
4 PFP 6 0.5%
5 TSU 3 0.3%
91 All 18 1.6%
92 No one 437 39.7%
95 Refuse to answer 13 1.2%
96 It's hard to say 57 5.2%
97 No opinion 38 3.5%
98 Don't know 122 11.1%
Frequency : 1101 100%
6. Someone said: 'Decreasing unemployment rate is the responsibility of government.' Another said: 'Getting a job is someone's own business.' Which statements you agree?
Values Categories n percentage
1 The responsibility of government 570 51.8%
2 Someone's own business 396 36.0%
3 Both 95 8.6%
95 Refuse to answer 3 0.3%
96 It's hard to say 5 0.4%
97 No opinion 19 1.7%
98 Don't know 13 1.2%
Frequency : 1101 100%
7. Which party can solve the problem of unemployment?
Values Categories n percentage
1 KMT 269 24.4%
2 DPP 229 20.8%
3 NP 0 0%
4 PFP 9 0.8%
5 TSU 1 0.1%
91 All 21 1.9%
92 No one 347 31.5%
95 Refuse to answer 12 1.1%
96 It's hard to say 48 4.4%
97 No opinion 28 2.5%
98 Don't know 137 12.4%
Frequency : 1101 100%
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