Inquiry :  
1. First, how satisfied are you with his overall performance as President over the past six months?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 4 0.8%
2 Satisfied 79 16.6%
3 Not very satisfied 182 38.3%
4 Not satisfied at all 210 44.2%
Frequency : 475 100%
2. How satisfied are you with his performance of handling the Cross-strait relations?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 35 7.4%
2 Satisfied 103 21.7%
3 Not very satisfied 172 36.2%
4 Not satisfied at all 165 34.7%
Frequency : 475 100%
3. How satisfied are you with his performance in diplomacy?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 23 4.8%
2 Satisfied 104 21.9%
3 Not very satisfied 173 36.4%
4 Not satisfied at all 175 36.8%
Frequency : 475 100%
4. How satisfied are you with his performance of national defense?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 10 2.1%
2 Satisfied 107 22.5%
3 Not very satisfied 181 38.1%
4 Not satisfied at all 177 37.3%
Frequency : 475 100%
5. How satisfied are you with his performance in promoting economic development?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 16 3.4%
2 Satisfied 68 14.3%
3 Not very satisfied 151 31.8%
4 Not satisfied at all 240 50.5%
Frequency : 475 100%
6. How satisfied are you with his performance in handling the livelihood issues?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 4 0.8%
2 Satisfied 53 11.2%
3 Not very satisfied 152 32.0%
4 Not satisfied at all 266 56.0%
Frequency : 475 100%
cron web_use_log