Inquiry :  
1. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of Yi-huah Jiang as premier?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 14 2.9%
2 Satisfied 99 20.8%
3 Not very satisfied 207 43.6%
4 Not satisfied at all 154 32.4%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.2%
Frequency : 475 100%
2. Are you satisfied with the performance of Su, Tseng-chang as the chairman of DPP?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 4 0.8%
2 Satisfied 83 17.5%
3 Not very satisfied 284 59.8%
4 Not satisfied at all 103 21.7%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.2%
Frequency : 475 100%
3. Are you satisfied with those newly appointed ministers who a cabinet reshuffled by the end of February?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 3 0.6%
2 Satisfied 83 17.5%
3 Not very satisfied 239 50.3%
4 Not satisfied at all 149 31.4%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.2%
Frequency : 475 100%
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