Inquiry :  
1. Would you say that over the past twelve months, the state of the economy in Taiwan has gotten much better, gotten somewhat better, stayed about the same, gotten somewhat worse, or gotten much worse?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Gotten much better 19 1.1%
2 Gotten somewhat better 194 11.6%
3 Stayed the same 757 45.1%
4 Gotten somewhat worse 519 30.9%
5 Gotten much worse 156 9.3%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It depends 3 0.2%
97 No opinion 1 0.1%
98 Don't know 30 1.8%
Frequency : 1680 100%
2. Would you say that in the forthcoming year, the state of the economy of Taiwan will get better, stay about the same, or get worse.
Values Categories n percentage
1 Gotten much better 46 2.7%
2 Gotten somewhat better 330 19.6%
3 Stayed the same 612 36.4%
4 Gotten somewhat worse 399 23.8%
5 Gotten much worse 166 9.9%
95 Refuse to answer 0 0%
96 It depends 17 1.0%
97 No opinion 6 0.4%
98 Don't know 104 6.2%
Frequency : 1680 100%
3. Would you say that over the past year, your own household's economic condition has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Gotten much better 8 0.5%
2 Gotten somewhat better 171 10.2%
3 Stayed the same 1138 67.7%
4 Gotten somewhat worse 301 17.9%
5 Gotten much worse 58 3.5%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It depends 1 0.1%
97 No opinion 0 0%
98 Don't know 2 0.1%
Frequency : 1680 100%
4. Would you say that in the forthcoming year, your own household's economic condition will get better, stay about the same, or get worse?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Gotten much better 36 2.1%
2 Gotten somewhat better 279 16.6%
3 Stayed the same 1016 60.5%
4 Gotten somewhat worse 218 13.0%
5 Gotten much worse 51 3.0%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It depends 12 0.7%
97 No opinion 0 0%
98 Don't know 67 4.0%
Frequency : 1680 100%
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