Inquiry :  
1. Which of these three statements is closest to your own opinion?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Democracy is preferable to any other kind of regime 894 53.2%
2 In some circumstances, an authoritarian regime – a dictator 375 22.3%
3 For someone like me, it doesn't matter what kind of regime w 345 20.5%
95 Refuse to answer 4 0.2%
96 It depends 7 0.4%
97 No opinion 10 0.6%
98 Don't know 45 2.7%
Frequency : 1680 100%
2. In your opinion how much of a democracy is Taiwan today?
Values Categories n percentage
1 A full democracy 190 11.3%
2 A democracy, but with minor problems 948 56.4%
3 A democracy, with major problems 432 25.7%
4 Not a democracy 63 3.8%
95 Refuse to answer 3 0.2%
96 It depends 2 0.1%
97 No opinion 3 0.2%
98 Don't know 39 2.3%
Frequency : 1680 100%
3. On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in Taiwan?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very satisfied 140 8.3%
2 Somewhat satisfied 1070 63.7%
3 Somewhat dissatisfied 375 22.3%
4 Very dissatisfied 62 3.7%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It depends 7 0.4%
97 No opinion 8 0.5%
98 Don't know 17 1.0%
Frequency : 1680 100%
4. Using the scale on this card, (where ONE means that voting won't make any difference to what happens and FIVE means that voting can make a big difference), where would you place yourself?
Values Categories n percentage
1 No matter who people votefor, it won't make any difference t 216 12.9%
2 106 6.3%
3 253 15.1%
4 320 19.1%
5 People vote for can make a big difference to what happens 743 44.2%
95 Refuse to answer 7 0.4%
98 Don't know 35 2.1%
Frequency : 1680 100%
5. Some people say that legislator elected by district should care about the interests of the whole country. Others say that legislator elected by district should care about the interests of district. Which statement do you agree with?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Interests of whole country 620 36.9%
2 Interests of district 846 50.4%
91 Both of them 182 10.8%
95 Refuse to answer 1 0.1%
96 It's hard to say 3 0.2%
97 No opinion 3 0.2%
98 Don't know 25 1.5%
Frequency : 1680 100%
6. How widespread do you think corruption such as bribe taking is among politicians in our country: very widespread, quite widespread, not very widespread, or it hardly happens at all?
Values Categories n percentage
1 Very widespread 295 17.6%
2 Quite widespread 841 50.1%
3 Not very widespread 389 23.2%
4 It hardly happens at all 13 0.8%
95 Refuse to answer 14 0.8%
96 It depends 5 0.3%
97 No opinion 4 0.2%
98 Don't know 119 7.1%
Frequency : 1680 100%
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