


Released Data / TEDS2020

*Project Title: Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study, 2016-2020 (IV):

                         the Survey of Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2020 (TEDS2020)


*Principal Investigator:

Prof. Chi Huang 

*Co-principal  Investigator:

Prof. Cheng-shan Liu                          Asso. Research Fellow Ta-Chien Chan

Research Fellow Chia-hung Tsai         Asso. Prof. Chih-cheng Meng

Prof. Chung-li Wu                               Prof. Da-chi Liao   

Assist. Prof. Hsin-ta Huang                 Prof. Huo-yan Shyu                              

Prof. Kuang-hui Chen                         Prof. Lu-huei Chen                               

Prof. Shiow-duan Huang                     Prof. Shing-yuan Sheng                         

Prof. Wen-jong Juang                          Asso. Prof. Tsung-han Tsai                  

Asso. Reserch Fellow Su-hao Tu        Assist. Prof. Ying-Lung Chou
                 Asso. Reserch Fellow Chen-hua Yu


*Executive Institution:

Election Study CenterNational Chengchi University

Department of Political Science, Tunghai University 

Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University

Graduate Institute of Political Economy, National ChengKung University
              Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University

*Numbers of Samples and Interviewed Period:

            Independent: 1,680; Cover: 111,638; Interviewed between Jan. 13th and May 31st 2020


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